DELE EXAM preparation


DELE EXAM preparation

from $900.00

DELE Exam preparation Levels A1/A2/B1/B2/C1/C2

The preparation of the exams will be 2 months intensive 3 hours per week Mondays- Wednesdays and Saturdays.

DELE Diplomas of Spanish are certifications granted by Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Professional Development of Spain.

Exams from level A1 to C2 are offered following the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the candidate can decide the level to apply.

Each exam consists of four printed tests and could be taken in DELE Examination Centers during annually scheduled calls published by Instituto Cervantes.

The results are published within approximately three months and candidates can access them through the DELE Diplomas of Spanish website and print the official grade certification from their restricted access.

Candidates who passed will receive an official diploma printed by the National Coinage and Stamp Factory (Royal Mint of Spain).

The DELEs have indefinite validity and international recognition. The internationally recognized DELE diplomas certify the level of proficiency achieved by a candidate regardless of where and when they studied Spanish language.

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